The membership of ONL NJ is inclusive of the engagement of all nurse leaders and aspiring nurse leaders in the state. It is committed to ongoing professional development, creating and sustaining formal and informal nursing mentorship opportunities at all levels, and mapping the future of safe patient care delivery in NJ.
A full member is a registered nurse who
Holds an organizational role in administration/management and is accountable for strategic, operational, and/or management outcomes in a healthcare delivery setting; aspires to a nursing management/administration position;
Read MoreAn affiliate member is an individual who is not a registered nurse. An affiliate member may be a non-nurse professional or any healthcare consumer member of the corporate or political community who is interested in working towards advancement of a healthcare system driven by the needs of patients. An affiliate member may attend business and educational meetings, but may not vote or hold office. The affiliate members' purposes, goals and initiatives must be consistent with and supportive of ONL NJ purposes, goals and initiatives. An Affiliate Member must be sponsored by a Full Member, and the application must be approved by the Board of Directors.
Any ONL NJ Full member who is retired from the professional practice of nursing and is not working in a healthcare related field, and has maintained ONL NJ membership for a minimum of one year and who would not otherwise be eligible for continuing membership in ONL NJ. A Retired member shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of a Full member with the exception of holding office.
The NWESC Direct Care Member spends at least 50 percent of their time in direct patient care. This membership was created because ONL NJ recognizes that direct care nurses who are engaged with the NWESC at their place of work demonstrate leadership qualities by virtue of their participation on the NWESC. They are committed to promote and sustain a healthy work environment for the nurses of New Jersey. The NWESC Direct Care member does not hold a formal leadership position.